
Anne-Sophie Guillet is a french portrait photographer working with medium format analog, currently pursuing an ongoing series ‘Together’ about love, intimacy, and relationship representations out of the heteronormative codes; Through the series, Anne-Sophie questions social injunctions that weight on us and regiment our lives and relationships. By breaking the stranglehold, she encounters people who are creating their own love models and finding relationships that truly reflect their desires.

How could we call into question the prefabricated and standardised sentimentalism ?

Anne-Sophie believes relationships should not be competed or pitted against each other; they must co-exist. That’s the message she aims to communicate through her work, and the resulting images, translate the different ties that bind the subjects. The portraits lead viewers to think about interpersonal relationships beyond the scheme of heteronormative love, since so many deviate from the norms of exclusivity, gender binary, romantism, age and possession as proof of love, which tend to emerge as the only options in our traditionalist societies. All the individuals here reimagined their own reference systems to embrace aspects such as transparency, autonomy, compassion, empowerment or just a mantra to live and let live.

What place should be given to our own identity in front of something as codified as love ?

Can we stop projecting our beliefs onto others ?

How could we redefine the ways in which we relate to love ?


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