by @lilfedx

‘Hoping For The Best’ Chelsea Blues


London-based Bahamian Artist, Chelsea Blues, greatly known for her live freestyles, and spoken word, is back with her newest track, ‘Hoping For The Best’. The single, produced by Ankit Suri, could not be coming out at a better time than now.

This audio sunshine has been made to inspire hope, calm and give the fans and listeners some positive perspective while we hope for the best during these seemingly bleak times. Staying positive and mindful are the two big reaction points for many and this is echoed for now and even beyond, with this new track.

Director/Videographer🎬: @armzybam
Choreographer🕺🏽: @gaddy_gad
Styling👩🏽‍🎤: @dtmh___ & @didilababe
HMUA💅🏽: @moor_beauty_
Composed by🎹: @ankitsurimusic

Chelsea’s sound can only be described, as if one’s self, were to imagine a melting pool of colours; and warm sentiments, that guide you through a paradise of your own world. Chelsea Blues with her jazzy vocal strides and soulful compositions, pour out love and joy with every beat and tap of foot.

When you experience her message of “love self to love others” through her blend of new school energy and old school dynamics – it’s the combination that can’t be missed!

Chelsea Blues on Spotify,  Instagram,  Facebook, Website, SoundCloud, Youtube

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