

A series about dysphoria by Berlin-based artist Lover Buffet.

With this series, Lover Buffet (they/them), aims to tell a story of someone who is called by their body and tries to disconnect further. 

Since exploring bodywork therapy, I started to realise just how disconnected from my body I’ve felt. Most days I am a pair of eyes or a head, and everything else is in another world below me. I’m sure depression and anxiety play their cute roles in why I try to run away from my body, but I think the ideal of physical androgyny expected from non-binary people has something to do with it too. I’ve struggled to join my body to this ideal. In my own experience of wanting to disinherit the parts of myself that are considered feminine, I’ve tried to remind myself that my reality and my own expression of androgyny is enough. I don’t have all the answers, but if anyone’s feeling a similar way, I’d love to share our experiences.

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