by Josephine Nahrstedt & Klara Koch

Josephine Nahrstedt @jusupha is a 24 years old freelance performer, choreographer and actress, based in Berlin, working across disciplines and always on the lookout for connections between the various performing arts. Currently, she is exploring possibilities to artistically, take new perspectives on the human body, to explore it in its diversities and to free it from defined body images.  

DUO FUNGUS is an artistic research in which Josephine dedicates herself to the cultivation and care of a human-sized kombucha mushroom.

I am interested in the exploration, of primal acting and being, comparable to the body in its prenatal state. The preoccupation with the origin of humanity allows me to adopt a perspective that explodes and dissolves the socially shaped body image.

Returning to the primal, to the beginning of every human life, results in an access to the core of our identity. This core is freed from attributions, expectations and definitions. 

photography by Klara Koch @klara_mfk

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