Emilie Elizabeth


Emilie Elizabeth is a photographer based in Berlin. After living and working in Miami, New York and Los Angeles, she fell in love with the abundance of talented creatives that can be found in Berlin. For many years, Emilie was shooting fast fashion and commercial jobs, and she is now beginning to shift her focus to sustainable brands and personal projects.

I met Ava in Berlin almost a year ago and we hit it off immediately. She had been touring with a group that mostly consisted of older guys, so maybe she was relieved to meet another girl who loves geeky pop culture. A few months later, she was in town again so I invited her by to shoot with my crew. After months of being on the road, I thought she could use a day of playing dress up – but I also wanted to capture the multitalented and beautiful girl I had befriended.

Photography: Emilie Elizabeth @where_is_emilie
Model: Ava Gore @avagoreaphobia
Stylist: Sandra Hemmink @sandra__hemmink
Hair & Makeup: Sabina Pinsone @sabinapinsone

1, right:  Top: Adi Benjo @adi_benjo via AA collected @aacollected
2, left:  Top: Nico Sutor @nicosutorfashion via AA collected @aacollected
2, right: Top: Adi Benjo @adi_benjo via AA collected @aacollected, denim jacket: Topshop
3, left: Top: Adi Benjo @adi_benjo via AA collected @aacollected
3, right: Chain Top: Zara
4, Chain Top:  Zara
5, Striped Top: Topshop
6, Chain Top:  Zara
6, Top: Shohei @officialshohei via AA collected @aacollected
7, Top: Shohei @officialshohei via AA collected @aacollected

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