Introducing today: GIRLS BY GIRL, the ongoing project of French photographer Amandine Kuhlmann, which deals with current visions around the female body and how we can step against those stereotypes.


Earing : My daughter is better than yours @mydaughterisbetterthanyours
Bikini made by : Virginie Riou @virginieriouparis

Clothing and accessories occupy a fundamental place in this project since it aims to expose certain stereotypes ingrained in fashion. Playing with the codes and conventions, through portraits and close-ups, Amandine creates images that show the power, engagement and singularity of girls and women.

Left – Baby Doll Dress, suspender belt & bloomer: Fifi Chachnil Paris @maisonfifichachnil
Earing : Saf Safu @safsafu
Right – Dress : Kimhekim @maison_kimhekim
Sun Glasses & Sporty bra : Guess

The perfect body supremacy – thin, young, firm, smooth, odorless – wonderfully manage to make us hate our own. I wish to display a larger spectrum of ages and morphologies, more compliant with reality. I’m trying to show that a woman’s body is not a smooth and polished object, focused on details and accessories. It’s about women that completely assume their body and/or sexuality.

Dress : Vintage
Earing : Justine Clenquet @justineclenquet
Shoes : Victoria Thomas @victoriatomasofficial

Left – Gymsuit : Marrknull @marrknull_official
Earing : Saf Safu @safsafu
Right – Head Accessory : Paloma Germain @paloma_germain
Jewellery : Autrement PR @autrementpr

Jacket & Trousers : Arthur Avellano @avellano_official
Earing : Vibe Harsløf Jewelry @vibeharsloef
Neckless : Stylist own

Photographer : Amandine Kuhlmann @amandinekuhlmann
Photo Assistants : Augustin Lignier @augustinlignier & Claire Bourrassé @clairebourrasse
Model : Odile @o.g.queen Chozi @venusnoire Balsou @balsouu Agnes @atassel @letitgomgmt Frankie @frankieallio Harper @harper_andria
Set Designer : Marie Vernier Lopin @marifoxineige
Stylist : Alya Derris @alyaderris
Stylist Assistant : Rose Lebarazer @roselebarazer
Mua : Charline Dailland @ayamyself
Mua Assistant : Djemack @narcissus_is_djemack

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