Interview with Jessica Barthel

Describe yourself in 3 words
Blonde Pizza Lover

Where are you from where do you live now ?
Born in Leipzig. Grew up in Berchtesgaden. Living now between Berlin & NYC.

What’s a typical creative day like, for you?
My days are so different, depending on places I’m at and people I work with,
but they all involve coffee.

You have a very particular aesthetic. What is it inspired by?
When I was a kid, I wondered, if it would be possible, to go to every continent,
country and village of this planet.

There is always a big difference between what you want to do, what you should do and what you actually can do. Personally, diversity is the reason why I have chosen photography as my job.

When did you decide you wanted to become an artist?
You don’t decide to become an artist. It just happens.

If you could work with any artist (past or present) who would it be?
Susan Sontag

Name three artists you love right now
Petra Cortright, Romain Gavras, Francesca Woodman

What are your goals as an artist?
Never having to stop. I want constantly be moving and reinventing myself.

What is the importance of diversity in your art ?
When people ask me, what kind of photography I do, it is really hard for me to answer.
There is always a big difference between what you want to do, what you should do and what you actually can do. Personally though, diversity is the reason, why I have chosen photography as my job.

Jacques-Henri Lartigue said « Photography to me is catching a moment which is passing, and which is true. » what do you think ?
Well, Lartigue didn’t have instagram and snapchat… but Photography, just as any other art or passion, is all about personal definition. I would say, my personal definition evolves around his, adding a little bit emotion and feelings.

More at @jessicamaraa

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