Jacqueline Secor is a mixed media artist inspired by primitive art. Secor was born in the historical Gold Rush town of Placerville, California and grew up in Pollock Pines at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Growing up in an area full of natural beauty and historical significance has given her an appreciation for the Earth and our beginnings. Secor now resides in Salt Lake City.
Best. Worst. Perfect. Gross. These are words that are too often used to describe female bodies. Women and girls face daily criticisms, not over the quality of their accom-plishments or the content of their hearts, but of the bodies they were born in. Judgement comes in many forms and from many directions, but worst of all, women criticize themselves and their own bodies.

This series honors each body in all of its individuality. It is my hope that in the face of such beauty, there will be no room left for comparison. Choosing to portray vulvae as integral parts of nature, with imagery of land and sea, was an instinctive choice for me. It’s not just about trying to make vulvae look “pretty” but about showing vulvae as elements of the incredible natural world we are a part of.
