Julia De La Torre


Julia de la Torre, is a Mexican artist based in New York City. Through her work she challenges mainstream stereotypes of beauty, relationships, and gender roles. In response to the vast underrepresentation of so many human beings throughout every medium from movies to magazines, she takes it upon herself to illustrate diversity. Her intent is to normalize what is in fact normal and beautiful instead of what is artificial and unreachable, hoping to empower people into self-love. Julia is also the founder of online magazine @howlnewyork.

Having grown up in a very conservative religious community, moving to NYC alone at 18 was very freeing for my mind and spirit. There commenced a journey of finding myself and my voice in the arts. I’m passionate about empowering minorities, equalizing genders and body types, and being truthful with my work. In a way my art is a sort of memoir, as well as self-therapy.

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