Mother Series

Unpacking the Complexity of Motherhood: Basel-based interdisciplinary artist, Jennifer Georgescu’s ‘Mother Series’ is an ongoing artistic journey through love, dependency, and transformation.

Jennifer Georgescu began the “Mother Series” in 2015 after the birth of her first son. Through the medium of photography, she explores the multifaceted nature of the relationship between mother and child, drawing inspiration from Baroque paintings and religious iconography. The project captures the evolving spiritual landscape between mother and child, depicting the push and pull of belonging together while struggling to be apart.

With the birth of her second son, Georgescu explores the bittersweet transformation and loss of her former role as an all-encompassing caregiver, through conceptual performances, delving deeper into the complexities of motherhood.

Georgescu’s artwork delves into the multilayered emotions and experiences that come with raising a child, showcasing the many dimensions of motherhood. Her beautiful tribute offers insightful perspectives on this universal experience, revealing both its beauty and intricacy.

In our beginning days, I had no time to think, no time to sleep, and I didn’t dream. I began to feel like a shell of a person whose identity had become lost somewhere along the way.

My son nursed relentlessly and I spent all day and night staring into his tiny face. I began to think of him as more of an extension of myself than his own separate being, and it was difficult to imagine his thoughts as separate from mine.

With the birth of my second son, and with continued time, I feel the beginnings of their journeys toward independence. What was once an all-encompassing relationship is overshadowed by individual growth and identity.

Their transformations are triumphant and bittersweet and I find myself once again struggling with the loss of a former role.

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