My skin whispers about past lives

(Selfportraits, 2019-2021)


Eva Venzo (1999) is an Italian photographer. She uses photography as personal research and a need for discovery, a meditative journey, and a modus vivendi that makes her feel alive in the present, and at the same time in continuous evolution, fluid towards overcoming one’s limits and knowing oneself.

I was born with a small dark spot on my back. In the beginning, it was almost invisible, but over time it has grown with me. It has taken up more and more space in my body, like a newborn tree that grows its leaves to meet the sunlight.

The doctors have always said that it was not dangerous, but when I was a child they told me several times that if I wanted I could have it removed with medical treatment.

None of them had understood how this imperfect skin made me feel unique and special, the idea of erasing it never crossed my mind.

As a child, I also read that the stains we carry on our bodies are scars from our past lives. I don’t know whether to believe this story, but I can’t conceive of my individuality without it.

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