Über die Zerbrechlichkeit (About Fragility)

Nadja Ellinger, a visual artist based in Nürnberg, found her calling when she picked up her first camera at 18. By 2013, she pursued formal studies in photography and design at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, where her work began to explore the fragility and complexity of the human psyche. Her ethereal yet emotionally grounded visuals draw viewers into intimate narratives. In 2018, she took her practice to the next level, studying fine art photography at the Royal College of Art in London, establishing herself as a rising voice in contemporary visual storytelling. This series explores the fragility of people—not as something negative to be avoided, but as something deeply human and honest.

‘Über die Zerbrechlichkeit’ (About Fragility) is a project about failure, fears and vulnerability. Especially as an artist, the external presentation is always present – and it should be as successful as possible. Failure and uncertainty aren’t often discussed, yet they’re what make us human, opens us, and enables growth.

This series shows the fragility of people – not as something negative that should be avoided, but as something deeply human and honest.


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