Playgirls Mansion Presents

by Amiee Oh @amieeoh

Amiee is an Irish photographer based in Berlin. Her latest series is a collaborative project with members of the Berlin based ” Playgirls Mansion Presents” collective. 

Playgirls Mansion Presents is a sex worker ran art collective that focuses on creating safe spaces for sex workers to exhibit, connect and perform their artistic dreams. Currently working on Playgirls Mansion Presents: @playgirls_stripperwars – a wrestling show with oil covered body slams, slippery tackles and sweaty slides, these girls will show you exactly what they’re made of! Online shows available to those all over the world and in person shows at 800A Berlin @800aberlin.

Photographer: @amieeoh
Playgirlsmansionpresents: @playgirlsmansionpresents @playgirls_stripperwars


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