Playground 2

PLAYGROUND by Hélène Mastrandréas


During lockdown, French visual artist Helene Mastrandréas directed the video ‘Playground’ to encapsulate the spirit of the surreal situation we were living and its impact on our daily life. With quarantine measures, suddenly public and private have become mixed-up; Many of us felt comfortable to share our intimate life online to maintain connection with the outside world, but also a way to escape reality. Fascinated by this new “normal”, Helene decided to showcase the current body unbalance through an intimist and sensual lens. She selected an all-female casting composed of models from around the world, to explore the staging of the female body in the digital world. Each model played a particular action, from dancing, playing with a sword, to bonding. By staging an imaginary persona, out of touch with reality, they created a digital heterotopia, sublimated by the refreshing SGSY by OKLOU. The film was shot via Facetime, a creative challenge that felt like a game for the director, inviting the spectator into her playground, in a digital and fleshy time!

Playground 5

Since lockdown, We are mostly living in the digital world, sharing our daily life online, from our home where things are supposed to be private.

Playground 1

Director @helenemastrandreas
⁣Editor + vfx @vincentfleischmann
⁣3d artist + vfx @_avide
⁣Colorist @antoine_ravache
Featuring @regina_demina @louisatrp @helloo0o0o0oo0oo0oooo00o00o0o @circusgirl03 @monoggamy @marionmay @rominamontserrat_ @helenemastrandreas
⁣Music @aavril_alvarez SGSY ⁣
⁣Font pilowlava by @antonmoglia + @studiotriple_ @velvetyne_type_foundry
⁣Animation teaser @juliedehalleux

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Joanna Szproch