
Annie Harmeston, 23, is a London-based Photographer and Director. With vibrant, colourful and playful narratives, her work explores feminine beauty ideals and consumerism, illuminating society’s obsession with self-optimization. As part of her MA at the London College of Fashion, Annie wrote, produced and directed an interactive film: Quick Fix – â€‹ A short, but oh-so-sweet story of a user’s experience on the way to ultimate self-optimization. With an abundance of questionable products and contrasting worlds, this playful, dual-sided short satirically questions the notion of ‘self-care’ online, inviting viewers to transform the ad-her-tising strategy at the click of a button…

watch the interactive film here: https://www.quickfixthefilm.com/

**interactivity only available on a desktop. Or if you don’t have access to one- you can still watch the non-interactive version below**

This is an entirely personal film, a depiction of how I and many other women feel when scrolling through the virtual conveyor-belt, that is Instagram. I wanted to create a satirical world, which illuminates the pressurising fusion of social media and consumerism. Depicted through constant scrolling, repetitiveness and ridiculous products, these features endeavour to spark question surrounding narratives of beauty, consumerism and ‘self-care’ online.

Annie Harmeston

Written, Produced and Directed by – @annieharmeston
Director of Photography – @emmalangguth
Starring – @_violetgold_
Assistant Director – @oscarjryan
Camera Assist – @samoxton @Oliver.munks @rpm.joana @maybe476
Gaffer – @_arcvisuals_
Sparks – @george.tsamis95 @jamesfarrellfilm @elena_makes_light
Assist Art Director – @jasmine_desilva
Production Assistant – @hannah_galbraith @almarosaz @elli.n.n.a
Hair/Wigs – @juditflorenciano
Makeup – @courtywho
SFX makeup- @gabriela_heath
Editor – @annieharmeston
Colourist – @imkarol.colour
Sound Editor @loufvalbyrotary
VFX artist – @carolazumbo
Original Music – Mark D’inverno Quintet
Sound Editor @loufvalbyrotary
Coder – @graham.johnf

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