Rachel Rottman


Rachel Rottman has always had a natural inclination towards art. Growing up in Santa Monica, she spent her years in high school behind the lens of Canon – shooting the street and beachlife of her hometown. After she attended a year of art school in San Francisco where she tried her hand at painting, photography and even film she still hadn’t found the niche that completed her creative puzzle. That changed in 2015, when she was introduced to collage. Drawn to vintage magazines, she pulls from the past and rips from the present to create impactful and provocative pieces. She currently lives in West Hollywood with her boyfriend and dog.

“I use images of women, often from porn magazines with the intention of bringing them out of these pornographic situations. Bending expectations, I hope to offer a new perspective on how women can be perceived in these typically objectifying situations. I make my collages by hand – taking two or three realistic images and layering them into a daydream. With the precision of x-acto knives and scissors juxtaposed with the rough edges of ripping the paper I take my viewer into unusual yet familiar territories.”

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