Rosi Offenbach


Rosi Offenbach is a photographer from Munich, Germany.
CARING IS SHARING is an editorial she created in collaboration with stylists Nora Stocker and Norbert Sütö. Rosi chose to work with no “regular” 80-60-80 models but with “normal” and also beautiful women instead.

I am so tired of seeing the same body image in fashion over and over again, so it’ s a body positive and feministic act. I think most of the images of women are affected by a patriarchal society we already overcame. So as a photographer I do not want to reproduce those sexualized schemata but show my own view not only of the female body, but of beauty in general.

Photos: Rosi Offenbach @rosi.offenbach
Stylist: Nora Stocker @norastocker and Norbert Sütö @norbertsuetoe
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