Shabnam Sarmadi


Shabnam Sarmadi is an Iranian artist based in Berlin, who studied visual arts in France and Tehran faculty of arts. Her main focus is the human body, women, and how we perceive ourselves the way we are.

During the past decades Social media has put the focus on a specific type of beauty. There are only a few brands that also focus on bigger models, and those who actually do are so rare that get applaud by not forgetting a huge range of the society. Body shaming has easily become a term in our daily discussions and there are many artists already who focus and work on this subject. There are two aspects which have become more bold for me in this respect. How Being bigger than the norm can be beautiful and how one accepts it, and how the person embraces his/her sexuality regardless of how he/she looks like. This last series of work is a combination of models I found on internet. I tried to frame their body in a different way and by putting them next to each other I try to create a bigger image of what they may go through despite what social media has done to our eyes!
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