Stolen Kiss

Stolen Kiss’ is an editorial by Lucie Di Serio, a UK-based Creative Director and the founder of BEIGE IS BORING, a magazine that addresses current political and social issues through a creative perspective. Stolen Kiss was created with the goal of making the long-stolen light shine on women.

I was inspired by the events that happened in the UK this year pertaining to the idea of women feeling unsafe, and all the protests that took place following the murder of Sarah Everard. I asked a female-identifying audience what they would like men to do in order to feel safe and respected in their everyday lives, grouped their answers together and represented them through the images, with the hope of positively educating men at the same time. 

Lucie Di Serio

The model was specifically chosen to represent ‘Stolen Kiss’ as it has been observed that Asian hate is on the increase, and it often occurs that Asian women are sexually objectified and fetishized.

Lucie Di Serio

Photographer: Hermione Russell / @hermionerusselll
Creative Director: Lucie Di Serio / @luciediserio / @beigeisboring_mag
Model: Sharon Chiu / @s_csl
MUA: Xanthea Hargrave /
Stylist: Frances Smith / @franceslucy.s
Mimi Simpson / @mimirsimpson_
Gyouree Kim / @gyoureekim

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