Tabata Roja is a mexican photographer, based in Prague, whose work explores nude bodies, eroticism and sexuality, in a self-critical way.

3 years ago i started exploring photography, and I had no idea how much my life would change. It has led me to question everything, and it has answered many concerns and discomforts I didn`t understand. My work has taught me to differentiate what is mine and what has been apprehended, to gradually separate myself from what doesÅ„t belong to me and to remain alone with myself. This change in my way of understanding things eventually led me to meet more women in the same process, whom I deeply admire and have formed a home, a safe place in which we explore our femininity in a bond of community and empathy. Their stories are my stories. This is my latest self-portrait series “lilith & eve” shot in Prague with my new friend Eva.

Model: Eva Svagr @metamorfosapulchra
Photographer: Tabata Roja @tabata_roja