
Step into the dreamlike world of Portuguese photographer Tatiana Saavedra, whose work explores a symbiotic relationship between photography and poetry. Her pictures are like fragments of time, born from little moments: ethereal atmospheres or melancholic reflections fleeting away. She catches those instants that would otherwise be gone forever, into the form of a photographic diary of throughts and emotions; a window into her mind and soul.

My inspiration comes from all these little things of life that we let escape fast.

In her work, Tatiana blends elements of nature with the naked body. For her, the reunion with Nature is a symbol of freedom, delivery, and surrender. The nudity intends to reveal the essence of who we really are when set free, reuniting with the wild and natural state within each and every one of us.

The strong chromatic composition aims to create a synesthesia between the body exposed to the natural elements, highlighting the blue colour, the light, the mist, the skin and the wound.

through solitude it is possible to see our reflection clearly mirrored in our surroundings.


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