The Hysteria Project

A one-on-one storytelling and collage project by Rachael Jablo, dealing with menstrual and pelvic dysfunction.


Rachael Jablo is a chronically ill Berlin-based US-American artist dealing with issues of the body, gender, mythology, memory, and whose practice has taken her from analog photography to installations and collages, often made from cameraless photos. Using botany, lace, and abstraction, she incorporates elements of drawing and collage to create floating wall installations large and small.

With her current work, The Hysteria Project, Rachael gives a voice to people telling the narrative of their body, intimate stories about their reproductive and menstrual ailments, and she uses those stories as the basis for collage portraits of their pelvic organs. The website acts as an archive of the edited transcripts and their collages.

My project gives people an opportunity to share intimacies that are not often said out loud.

Rachael Jablo

Seeing my sick uterus as an art piece has been like breaking a curse. Now I visualize beauty when I think of it, even when in pain.

Macarena (she/her, 42, Latina, in Chile)

The Hysteria Project, Installation shot (all collages are 2021-2022, and are analog collages from cameraless photographs of lace, on a gold metal leaf background, mounted in gilded laser-cut plexiglass)

Rachael Jablo: @rljablo

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