TITS: A Voyage Into Objectification

A film by Will & Carly @willandcarly

TITS is a satirical piece that visually celebrates imperfectly perfect breasts in all their wonky, deflated, inflated, blemished and scarred guises. Set against the anonymous ethnographically sourced TITS HOTLINE soundtrack, it highlights the absurdity of sexist male views.

Will and Carly are London based directors whose work focuses on the emotive richness of people and the social and political relationships and practices that they engage in. Through stylised cinematography and visual symmetry, they tackle contemporary issues to raise awareness and inspire change. Their films have won various awards including 1.4, Berlin Commercial, Kinsale Sharks and Vimeo Staff Picks. 

The film was conceived one evening whilst watching the Edgar Wright documentary on the weird and wonderful Sparks Brothers. On hearing their 1970’s track “Tits”, I was struck by lyrics which exposed a man’s disappointment at his wife’s breasts no longer being “a source of fun and games” having been repurposed to nourish his new-born son. It made me curious to explore to what extent the male gaze still exists within society today.


Directors Will & Carly @willandcarly
Cinematographer Ailsa Aikoa @ailsa.aikoa
Editor Meg Thorne @meg.thorne @thequarryedit
Producer Amy Patterson @amyjpatterson_
Production Manager David Maart @davidmaart

Post Producer Oliver Whitworth @owhitworth86 @etc.colour
Colourist Megan Lee @colourbymegwan @etc.colour
Online Editor Sarah Crux @sarah.crux @etc.colour
Sound Design Adam Smyth @alittlesmyth @stringandtins
Casting Director Steph Coles #Stephcoles @lanecastinglondon

Production Assistant Hetty Yoxall @hettyyoxall
1st AC Laura Flack @lauraflackk
2nd AC Aida Garcia Vega @aidagarciavega
Gaffer Dorothy Iskrzynska @fulltimeliability
Spark Atikah Zainidi @atikah___zzz
Grooming Poppy Hughes @poppyhugheshair

Special Thanks
@kodak_shootfilm, @cinelabuk, @thequarryedit, @mcx_films, @etc.colour, @stringandtins, @thesweetshopfilms, @theforge.co, @weareyellowcactus

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