by Delfina Seefeld Kohen @delfiseefeld and Jimo Soriano @jimosoriano

This editorial essay is a celebration of womanhood. Every shape, every body, every story is meant to be visibilized. As women, we are used to suffer the abusive and toxic stigma that comes from fashion and social media beauty standards. We decided to explore a different approach to the way we perceive our own bodies. Being kind to ourselves and others is a priority. Embracing friendship is more important than the social obligation we face of being beautiful. We are beautiful and we are stronger together.

Photographer: Delfina Seefeld Kohen – @delfiseefeld
Stylist: Jimo Soriano – @jimosoriano
Makeup & Hair: Belen Saenz – @belusaenz / Noe Deledicque – @noedeledicque_ / Violeta Murphy – @_violetamurphy
Art Director: Iara Ohanian – @iarioha
Art Assistant – Clara Ortigoza –  @clariortigoza
Production – Jimena Markowicz – @jimemarkow
Ph Assistant – Cecilia Armand –  @cecilia_armand_ugon
Retouch – Agustin Prieto –  @agus_prieto

MODELS: Cindy Mosquera – @cindy_afro / Mia Baccanelli – @miukidelapipol / Indiana Kohen Lumer – @indikohenlumer / Sofia Paniza – @malavitta__ / Cami Del Campo – @cami.del.campo / Dolores Zuccaro – @doloreszuccaromua / Guadalupe Scarione – @guadascarione / Nicole Collini – @nicolecollini / Alma Azul – @alma.es.azul

Special thanks to @hellocrudo

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