This series is a long-term project by Barbara Cannizzaro, on inclusiveness, acceptance, fears, and hopes. The protagonist, Virginia, is a young woman who was diagnosed with alopecia universalis at the age of 14. This autoimmune disease struck her without warning, completely turning her life upside down.

The photos aim to convey Virginia’s need, hope, and dream of being loved despite her “difference,” a dream she believed unachievable until she met Edoardo. The images also capture her infinite sweetness and sensitivity, akin to that of fragile and delicate flowers.

When we met, she shared her desire ‘not to feel fulfilled but to feel part of something beautiful and special.’ You are special and unique, Virginia!

Barbabra Cannizzaro

Photography. Barbara Cannizzaro – @barbaracannizzaro_
Model. Virginia @gatto_bijoux

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